Hay & Feed
San Xavier Cooperative Farm grows acres of alfalfa and alfalfa mixes with no chemical pesticides or herbicides.

Cutting hay

Baling hay
185 RFV (Relative Feed Value), perfect condition and moisture of 13-15%
13%-15% moisture. 95-105 lbs. bale weight with 15-17 flakes good green color with good leaf retention.
May contain trace amount of non alfalfa.
15% moisture and under, 95-105 lbs. bale weight with 15-17 flakes, good green color.
70% alfalfa/30% Grass Mix.
Grass content: Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Sudan grass, and other water grasses.
15%-17% moisture. 95-105lbs bale weight.
A mix of Alfalfa and Spring Oats, good light green color from oats grass. Mix content may vary. May contain trace amounts of non oats and alfalfa.
Available for limited time based on season.
15%-17% moisture. 95-105 lbs. bales weight. Flakes may vary.
Similar to Bermuda grass but just as nutritious as alfalfa, Teff grass has a good light green color with small long bladed grass that all animals will enjoy.
Available for limited time based on season.
Moisture may vary. Bales weight may vary.
Teff grass may be damaged by rain before and after baled. May contain wet spots and/or mold spots on and within bale.
Available for limited time based on season.
15% moisture and under. 95-105 lbs. bale weight with 15-17 flakes, good green color.
70% grass/30% alfalfa mix.
Grass content: Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Sudan grass, and other water grasses.
15% moisture and under, 95-105 lbs. bale weight.
Sudan grass dominant with a variety of stem sizes and long grass blades. Great option for cattle.
Moisture may vary. 100lbs and under bales weight. Flake count will vary.
Any alfalfa feed that is damaged by rain before and after baled. May contain wet spots and/or mold spots on and inside bale.
Store Hours Are:
Tuesday - Friday / 8am - 5pm | Saturday / 8am - 1pm
For availability and delivery info please call (520) 295-3774 .